
Tuesday, September 28, 2010


This baby cap matches the Picot Sleep Sack.

Baby 15 to 16 inches

Worsted weight yarn
US size 10.5 16 inch circular knitting needle
US size I (5.5 mm) crochet hook
tapestry needle

Small Picot Cast On:
Make a slip-knot and place it on your left needle. Knit a st into the slipknot, leaving the slipknot on the needle. Place the new st onto left needle by inserting the left needle into the front of the new st. Continue in this way to CO 5 sts, then bind off 1 st, leaving 4 sts. Continue to CO 5 sts and bind off 1 until 60 sts are on needle.

Small Picot Bind Off: Knit a st into the next st. Place the new st onto left needle by inserting the left needle into the front of the new st. Bind off 5 sts.

Continue to CO 1 st and bind off 5 sts until all 60 sts are bound off.

With 16" needle, small picot cast on 60 sts. Join and work in the round.

Place marker here to denote beginning of round.

Round 1: Knit (60 sts)

Round 2-5: K1, P1. Repeat around. (60 sts)

Knit until cap measures 6 inches from cast on edge.

Round 6: *K 8, k2tog. Repeat from * around. (54 sts)

Round 7: K

Round 8: *K 7, k2tog. Repeat from * around. (48 sts)

Round 9: K

Round 10: K 4, *yo, k2tog. Repeat from * around. (8 yo)

Round 11-12: K1, P1. Repeat around.

Round 14: K

Small picot bind off

Leaving a 5 inch tail, using an I hook chain 60. Fasten off leaving a 5 inch tail.

Cut a 10 inch length of yarn, fold in half, pull loop through the end of the drawstring. Pull all the ends through the loop and pull tight forming a tassel.

Weave drawstring in and out of the eyelets created in round 10. Pull to close and tie bow.

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